
Player Rankings

Hounds of Fury has a player ranking system which determines how much game cash can be held in outstanding bets.

Player ranking is also a factor in determining player match-ups for PVP.

Players are ranked from 1 – 10 based on the highest balance of game cash they have held in their account.

Player rank is displayed on the player profile and in the top left of your screen on the race page (next to your account name).

Ranking thresholds

Rank 1 – up to $5000

Rank 2 – up to $20,000

Rank 3 – up to $50,000

Rank 4 – up to $100,000

Rank 5 – up to $500,000

Rank 6 – up to $1M

Rank 7 – up to $5M

Rank 8 – up to $10M

Rank 9 – up to $50M

Rank 10 – greater than 50M